
United Way of Frederick County's Board of Directors is a distinguished group of leaders whose strategic decision-making and guidance steer the organization. Board members are recruited from across the Frederick County community who bring the passion, expertise, and resources needed to get things done. The commitment of United Way of Frederick County's Board of Directors is their commitment of time, talent and treasure in support of the organization's mission.



Executive Committee

Keith Harris

Dr. Keith Harris

Chair of the Board

Frederick County Public Schools

Gayon Sampson

Gayon Sampson

Vice Chair of the Board

Office of the Mayor

Sharon Jacko

LtCol Sharon D. Jacko

Immediate Past Chair of the Board

Resource Development Committee Chair

USMC, Retired

Carla Clarke

Carla Clarke

Board Secretary

Flynn & Clarke, LLC

Mary Ellis

Mary Ellis

Governance Committee Co-Chair

Retired Non-Profit Executive

Adam Kreisher

Adam Kreisher

Board Treasurer

M&T Bank

Joy Schaefer

Joy Schaefer

Community Impact Committee Chair


Mary Kate Battles

Mary Kate Battles

Mary Kate McKenna Photography, LLC

Toni Bowie

Toni Bowie

MaxLife, LLC

Matt Carrado

Lt. Matt Carrado

Frederick Police Department

Elizabeth DeRose

Elizabeth DeRose

Frederick Community College

Jan Gardner

Jan Gardner

Former County Executive

Tara Julian

Tara Julian

Phoenix Mecano

Michael McLane

Michael McLane, Jr.

Frederick Health

Eric Louers-Phillips

Eric Louérs-Phillips

Frederick County Public Schools

Austin Pearre

Austin L. Pearre

Woodsboro Bank

Jim Racheff

Jim Racheff

Finance Committee Chair

National Cancer Institute

Sophie Smith

Sophie Smith

Governance Committee Co-Chair

PPR Strategies

Kristen Snow

Kristen Snow